Navigating offshore contract manufacturing services can be challenging. We find the right manufacturing partners to meet your manufacturing requirements at the right cost and quality.

Malaysia has a strong  and long-established ecosystem for semiconductor (packaging) design and manufacturing. In 2017, electrical and electronic exports accounted for 44.7% share of Malaysia’s manufactured exports and 36.7% share of Malaysia’s total exports. Malaysia has 50 years of electronics manufacturing excellence since the establishment of manufacturing facilities by Fortune Global companies in the 1970s (Clarion now Hitachi, Bosch, Intel, AMD, HP, Litronix now OSRAM, and National Semiconductor).

Why is Malaysia a competitive off-shore manufacturing location?

Why outsource your contract manufacturing and design services? 

It takes skill and experience to mass produce and ramp a factory to high volume. Many of our contract manufacturers have more than 10+ years working with Fortune Global 500 corporations in ramping to high volume at acceptable cost levels while maintaining high quality standards. The partnerships we forge frees your company to focus upon its core competencies.

  • It takes skill and experience to mass produce and ramp a factory to high volume. Many of our contract manufacturers have more than 10+ years working with Fortune Global 500 corporations in ramping to high volume at acceptable cost levels while maintaining high quality standards. The partnerships we forge frees your company to focus upon its core competencies.