Malaysia is a big player in the global semi-conductor device ecosystem. According to a 2016 US Congressional Research Service report “U.S. Semiconductor Manufacturing: Industry Trends, Global Competition, Federal Policy”, Malaysia accounted for 30% of all semiconductor imports to the United States in 2015, more than any other country. Since the 1970’s Semiconductor Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs) including Hewlett-Packard, Clarion now Hitachi, Bosch, Intel, AMD, HP, Litronix now OSRAM, and National Semiconductor amongst many others established assembly and test plants in Malaysia.
Big Wau’s team of partners in Semiconductor Assembly Test Packaging (OSAT), Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) and Mechanical Engineering services includes many publicly traded companies listed on the Kuala Lumpur/Singapore Stock Exchange. These contract manufacturers draw their experience from supporting the Fortune Global 500 and Semiconductor Integrated Device Manufacturers for the past 15-20 years or longer. Through this process these locally owned Malaysian companies have developed professional, world class manufacturing capabilities.